
Reflections on My First Month as a Direct Primary Care Doctor

I feel I should pinch myself as I’m driving to my next housecall.  Who would have thought that I would be practicing Family Medicine the way I envisioned when applying to medical school, before my naivete faced the reality of the current healthcare system?

Hapless with Highmark (and the Hope of Direct Primary Care)

We caught our first glimpse of storm clouds in October with this article in LNP.  Highmark, the health insurer with the largest proportion of plans purchased by Pennsylvanians on, would be dropping it’s most popular plans for 2016.  

What is Direct Primary Care? (Part 2 of 3)

What is Direct Primary Care?  (Part 2 of 3)

What do I mean by “access?”  Put simply, it’s how patients engage their primary care provider in order to get a question answered, or to be seen for a medical problem during business hours, or to be seen for an acute problem after business hours or on holidays or weekends.  If all things were equal, and you had ideal access to primary care, what would it look like?