Reflections on My First Month as a Direct Primary Care Doctor

I feel I should pinch myself as I’m driving to my next housecall.  Who would have thought that I would be practicing Family Medicine the way I envisioned when applying to medical school, before my naivete faced the reality of the current healthcare system?

CovenantMD Opens Today!

CovenantMD officially opens for business today, Monday, January 4.  The last nine months, through penning the first words of a business plan, to launching the website in August, to speaking with several families in their homes (and Starbucks!) that wanted to “kick the tires” of CovenantMD…this has been a delightful time.  So today we put flesh on the bones of our dreams, as it were.  

Hapless with Highmark (and the Hope of Direct Primary Care)

We caught our first glimpse of storm clouds in October with this article in LNP.  Highmark, the health insurer with the largest proportion of plans purchased by Pennsylvanians on, would be dropping it’s most popular plans for 2016.  

Why in the World World Would I Pay TWICE for Healthcare?

On Sunday, November 1st, LNP (the local newspaper of Lancaster, PA) published this article about CovenantMD, and on November 3rd, Fox 43 featured this segment.  I think it's fair to say that these caused a local social media sensation.  There were many cyber high fives, and some that expressed reservations about the model.  In this post, I'll address what was by far the most frequent objection to Direct Primary Care.

Your Car Insurance Now Pays For Your Gas! (An Exercise in Absurdity)

Appropriated Press:  Officials in Washington have confirmed that car insurance companies will now be required to pay for gas.  "Transportation is a fundamental right of all Americans.  Therefore gas is a fundamental right of all Americans," said one congressman.  Consumer groups are split on the issue.  Some embrace the savings to American families, others see the ghastly (gassly?) auto insurance premium hikes coming down the pike, and they are also aghast (agassed?) at the new Federal mandate coming in 2017.  

Now enrolling patients!


Return with us to the days of Marcus Welby*!  CovenantMD is bringing Direct Primary Care to Lancaster.  Same or next-day appointments with no fees, extended visit times, home and worksite visits, access to your doctor by cell phone, text, and email, after hours access and after hours visits, and discounted blood work, radiology, and medications.  Click here to sign up.  We look forward to serving you!  CovenantMD opens Monday, January 4, 2016.

* Say what?  Marcus who?  Marcus Welby, M.D., the main character in a 1970's TV series of the same name, epitomized old-time general practice.  Check him out on iTunes.  (If Welby is news to you, then I envy your youth.)

Introducing BCF Group

CovenantMD is proud to announce a new partnership with BCF Group.  Small, medium, and large businesses can take advantage of CovenantMD's primary care umbrella, paired with insurance products offered through BCF.  Employees enjoy the high-touch quality of Direct Primary Care, while employers enjoy savings through limiting ER and urgent care copays and cash-pay discounts on medications and radiology.  Check out CovenantMD's employer page, email us, or give us a call at 717-287-1983.  To hear more about insurance options, email or call Brad Forney, CRM at 717-560-7730.